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For Our Next UNLEASH!

Clarity Workshop

For Coaches and Healers

Claim Your Clarity!

Claim Your Clarity! For Ambitious Coaches & Healers Who Are Ready to Breakthrough Fears, Connect With Their Purpose, & Claim Their Business Clarity.

Join us for 2 impactful, immersive days of breaking through and

claiming your clarity

Plus, BONUS! We're also going to dig into systematizing your savvy sales funnel, and selling system, to empower you to stop having to turn away clients, whether that's now, or in the future.

This event is for God-centered Coaches and Healers Who Want To Take It To The Next Level In Their Business

You want to eventually scale but...

  • Boundaries are always needing a level up!
  • Focus is... (squirrel)
  • Juggling too many projects (which ones are actually helping me move forward!)
  • It feels impossible to get organized so you can hire an assistant so you can scale!


Stress Points

  • You can’t really tell how well you are doing
  •  (resistance to tracking)
  • Distractions are so... (squirrel!)
  • Structure (resistance is MIGHTY... but you know you need it too)
  • Lulls in progress feel like I have to start over... over... and over... and over...


Is a 4-Letter Word...

Somewhere in your past maybe something happened, or was taught to you, that caused you to grab hold of resistance to structure!

It feels like the "supposed to" things that you just must rebel against!

It's time to unravel that spaghetti-mess and find the power to harness structure and flow within it, rather than feeling bullied by it.

So ready for CLARITY!

Have you just HAD IT with feeling overwhelmed and pulled in a million directions?

Are you juggling multiple projects and struggling to identify and get clarity on which ones are actually helping you move forward?

It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of entrepreneurship, but clarity is CRUCIAL to achieving success.

Without clarity, you'll find yourself scattered and unfocused, constantly chasing after squirrels instead of making meaningful progress. And once you're able to process what's in the way, forgive the past, and redefine those lines in the sand, you'll be better equipped to get clear and organized, and streamline your entire sales process from top to bottom.

Imagine knowing exactly what you want to teach, who you want to teach it to, and how you want to teach it to them. (It's SO magical!)

Major Stress Points

  • GAH! Where is the clarity about what I'm even doing here! You know it's limiting you to think your modality and private sessions are all you've got, and there must be more, right? (YES RIGHT!)
  • Struggling to keep track of your progress and determine how well you're actually doing?
  • Do distractions constantly derail your focus and leave you feeling scattered?

It's time to take control of your productivity and establish the structure you need to succeed.

While resistance to structure can be mighty, you know deep down that it's crucial to achieving your goals. And when progress feels slow or non-existent, it's easy to get discouraged and feel like you're starting over again and again.

BUT with the right tools and strategies in place, you can break through those barriers and stay on track.

By developing systems for tracking your progress, minimizing distractions, and creating a structured routine, you'll be able to make meaningful progress and achieve the success you deserve.

Don't let resistance and lulls in progress hold you back any longer – we want to support you in taking action now and start seeing results!

If "Structure" Is a 4-Letter Word

Someone You
Don't Want Seeing You...

There's that person that you think of every time you think of doing something big... and you're worried that they will ruin things for one because... (fill in the ______.)

There's a solution for that.

Fear of Success!
(The Unknown!)

What if, what if, what if?

Things could take over your life and keep you so busy you can't breathe?

There's a solution for that.


Grudges can blind you to

so many things!

As you've grown in success, have you had experiences that are hanging out in your heart, causing what feels like forever pain because... if you let your grudge go then you may be vulnerable to getting hurt again?

We know how to help with that.

With the right support, mindset, and tools...

With the right support, mindset, and tools in place, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

At this event we are working together to break down those barriers and create a clear path to success that's uniquely yours.

Meet Your Hosts

Hello! We are Bronwen Oehlschlager (R) and Tera Brown (L).

We're the founders and co-owners of the Shayoli Hope Center for Healing, and we love collaborating with other coaches who are feeling called by God to get a message out there and serve the people they are called to support.

Bronwen is one of those fun loving, structure-resistant people who got the soul nudge to take structure seriously, remove the grudges and other obstacles from her subconscious mind, (and her conscious mind) and finally step up to be the "secret weapon" for personal and business growth that God intends her to be.

We are on a mission to support coaches and healers to finally SHOW UP in their power and start helping more people, more powerfully, and receive a fair monetary exchange in the process.

Tera is all about patterns, and interrupting the patterns that are crimping the hose of abundance INSIDE of you.

More flow in YOU leads to more flow of clients TO YOU, which means more money flow through your business.


We want you to conquer the goobery things that make doing business feel like walking through sludge.

Let's get some clarity and gooooo!

Hotel room reservation information is on the inside!

Bring your food & water!
We'll be getting to work. 😉



A Variety of

Hand-selected from the best of the best, each speaker is bringing their most potent healing information along with a unique process to help you dive deeper!



Meet professionals in the energetic, physical, and mental healing and growth space and explore amazing healing products and goodies to help you live your best life!

Other God-Centered


It's like being in a room of hundreds friends! Connect with a community of people who are God-centered awakened souls just like YOU!



We integrate a unique method of connection between participants and healers on-site to facilitate a fun and deep healing experience.



This event is intentionally organized to help you connect with your highest self and your purpose to help you make the right choices for YOU! to come more into alignment with your values.


This event won't be the same without YOU! Everyone brings something unique with them and that is what will create the magic of this event! We know that the exact right people will be in the seats. Feeling nudged to be there?

- please join us!

General Admission


($1400+ Value!)

3-day Rejuvenate You! Event Ticket
Multiple surprise gifts from Tara and Bronwen
Morning Meditation Subscription ($97/m Value!)
Special Breakout Sessions With our Sponsors Each of the 3 Days

H I G H L Y  R E C O M M E N D E D!

Exclusive VIP Experience


($3000+ Value)

3-day Rejuvenate You! Event Ticket
Multiple surprise gifts from Tara and Bronwen
Morning Meditation Subscription ($97/m Value!)
3 Delicious, Chef-Prepared Meal On Site
Day 1 Special Breakout Session: Law of Increase & Abundance Lesson With Bronwen
Day 2 Special Early Session: Surprise Process
Day 2 Special Breakout Session: How To Stop Stressing About Selling & Start Having FUN Enrolling Your Ideal Clients With Bronwen
Day 3 Special Early Session: Surprise Process
Day 3 Special Breakout Session: How To Facilitate Through Effectively Holding Space With Tera
Live Q&A and Next Level Connections and Fun!

Copyright 2022 Shayoli Hope LLC - All Rights Reserved

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