Meet Tera

Tera Brown

4/6 Sacral Manifesting Generator

Quantum Manifesting Strategy:
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My name is Tera Brown. I am a daughter of Heavenly Parents; a Child God, growing up to embody my Highest Self and be the expression of my Highest Self in every area of my life.

I am The Embodiment Master.

This is my genius, and the gift people will pay me to use to direct them. I am always watching to respond to people's needs, to be hired with the energy for enjoying being alive in a human body. I know that every part of life is an opportunity for Divine Grace and that the body is a vehicle for the soul. In that knowing, I cultivate presence in my body and delight in synchronicity. It is THIS that people hire me to help them do as well.

I am The Wild Heart.

This is my message and marketing zone. I have the energy for wildness, marching to the beat of my own drum. I believe every living being on the earth is worthy of love and acceptance and I have the remarkable ability to unconditionally love the diverse nature of humans.

I am The Joy Junkie.

This is my “get to work” zone. I have the energy for Joy. I know that I must face the source of my unhappiness if I want to live what is rooted in joy. When I do that, I am empowered to experience the joy in life…just by being alive.

I am The Wandering Storyteller.

I have the energy for telling stories from my many adventures. I find humor, amusement, and delight in all things, even in places others might consider to be dark or cold. I have an inner knowing when it is time to step outside of my comfort zone and when it’s time to tell a better story about life.

I am The Forgiveness Decoder.

I have the energy for harnessing the healing power of forgiveness through objective logic. 

I have a deep inner knowing that forgiving isn’t the same as forgetting or permitting “bad” behavior. Forgiveness is letting go of the idea that the past should have unfolded differently, and releasing that pain from my body and mind.


I understand — logically — how humans work and how the patterns of the Universe flow. I see that in matters of the heart, forgiveness is often the only thing left to do.

I am The Wholeness Doctor.

I have the energy for seeing the wholeness in all things. I understand that the only thing that needs to be “fixed” are the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves and about others.

I easily see the stories of brokenness that are playing out in the collective and help others to transform those stories into wholeness.

I am The Self Love North Star.

I have the energy for deep self-love. I understand and honor my needs, values, and desires and am a shining example of self-love.

I am The Sounding Board.

I have the energy for listening to others’ secrets while holding the frequency of forgiveness. I believe everyone needs someone who can listen with empathy, compassion, and grace. I feel deeply connected to others by listening to their stories, experiences, and challenges.

I am The Wisdom Well.

I have the energy for discovering the hidden layers and realms of what it means to be human. I understand that I don’t become wise through education. I become wise through embodiment. With this understanding, I am empowered to explore the depths of life with curiosity and humility.

I am The Thunderbolt.

I have the energy for Initiating awakening through the shock of unconditional love. In my highest frequency, I believe life is trustworthy because of its curveballs (rather than in spite of them) and I practice radical faith that every moment, even the most horrific ones, are gateways into Divine Love.

I am The Alchemical Wordsmith.

I have the energy for speaking the truth. I believe that getting right to the point is the most effective way to communicate and I am able to speak the truth with clarity and grace.

I am The Hungry Heart.

I have the energy for adventure, emotional experiences, and learning. I know that curiosity is magic and life is meant to be an adventure. I live life with great courage and eagerly wait for life’s lessons to reveal themselves through adventure.

I am The Voice of Alchemy.

I have the energy for being present and speaking the truth in the now. I know that everything we need to know exists in the present moment and I trust that the highest potential will be revealed in Divine Timing.

I am The Loving Soul.

I have the energy for unconditional love. I believe that God is unconditional love and that every person on the planet is worthy of it. I know that love conquers all and that the true path to unconditional love is acceptance of what is.

I am The Prosperity Lumen.

I have the energy for prosperity, dream work, and inspiration. I see the path for making money by following my dreams.

I am The Sovereign.

I have the energy for sovereignty, empowerment, and steady vision. I am empowered to cultivate inner strength, faith, and flow to make my visions a reality.

I am The Details Whiz.

I have the energy for concentration and focus. Because I focus on details and concentrate on what matters, I am empowered to take the necessary steps to achieve both individual and collective goals.

I am The Still Mountain.

I have the energy for having faith in divine timing and trusting myself to act when the time is right. I believe that patience really is a virtue, and I understand that there is a time and season for everything. With this mindset, I am able to sit still, concentrate on the things that capture my interest, and trust in the right timing.

I am The Peacemaker.

I have the energy for using conflict as a doorway into inner peace. I understand that individual emotional stability and clarity create stability and clarity in relationships. With this knowing, in my highest frequency, I take full responsibility for my emotions before “confronting” others and I don't engage in needless confrontation.

I am The Revolution Ringleader.

I have the energy for leading people through rocky times. I deeply understand that flow is the natural state of all energy – especially emotional energy – energy is meant to move at the right timing. I have an emotional sense of when it’s time for a change, a renewal, and even a revolution.

I am The Deep Feeler.

I have the energy for reveling in the intensity of desire and emotion. I have an innate knowing that a full spectrum of intense feelings are a natural part of the human experience. From this place, I am able to draw in, feel, and process the depths of desire through a lens of human emotion.

I am the Highest and Holiest expression of me, while loving my body through the experience of becoming the embodiment of my beautiful Highest Self-expression.

I live my life with grace and ease because I stand lovingly in my power, open and watching to respond, ready to see into the hearts of the people whom I respond to, and offer my genius to help them live life joyfully in their beautiful body.

I am paid well for my embodiment facilitation, time, and wisdom.

I set the example of being unapologetically my best self expression. My example gives others permission to also safely heal, forgive, and embody their highest self as well.

I am satisfied. I am understood. I find joy in all of the things that I have energy to bring to this world.

I am Tera Brown. I am a daughter of Heavenly Parents. A Child of God, growing up to be like Him.

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