Meet Bronwen

Hello there! My name is Bronwen Oehlschlager. I'm an Intuitive Business Coach and Event Producer.

My mission is to provide a MIGHTY PATTERN INTERRUPT out of hobby-mode and survival-mode, for up-and-coming coaches and healers who feel called by God to bring transformational work to the lives of their corner of the universe.

To do that, I use the self-love accelerating tool that I find in Human Design, and we amplify all of the special gifts in your Money-Maker trio of energy that is specifically magnified in you in the form of your zone of genius, message zone, and what I call your "get-to-work zone". All which get to be strategically infused into all 4 of your sales and marketing business systems.

Below is a snapshot of my human design in the form of a statement I made for myself when I first learned my own human design, to help me remember that I'm gifted with things to help me fulfill the exact mission I'm on, and this energy is profound... and the world... and my ideal clients... benefit from me absolutely loving myself in full-bodied gratitude, and claiming who I am and what I can do for them BOLDLY.

This is one thing that I encourage you to do in my program as we move through the 11 levels of Funnel Savvy, clarifying, establishing, and creating content to deliver your 4 business systems too.

I didn't guess at these gifts, but I did have an inkling about them before I had them validated by Human Design and sped up my QUANTUM SELF ACCEPTANCE exponentially. 

This foundation of accepting yourself is one of my SECRET ACCELERATING KEYS to helping my clients stop spinning in self-doubt, lack of clarity, hobby mode, and ultimately... entrepreneurial survival-mode. 

It's time to interrupt the pattern of throwing spaghetti at the wall and get intentional about your coaching and/or healing business!

Here's me.

Next. Let's take care of YOU!

Bronwen Oehlschlager

1/3 Splenic Projector

Quantum Manifesting Strategy:
Wait For The Invitation 

My name is Bronwen Oehlschlager. I am a daughter of the Most High God; a Child God, growing up to embody my highest self and be the expression of my highest self in every area of my life.

I am The Wise Shepherd.

This is my genius, and the gift people will pay me to use to direct them. I am always open to receive the invitation to be hired with the energy for offering empowering wisdom, guidance, and advice to others. I am gifted with an innate understanding that forceful leadership is the mask one wears when one does not understand their true power. I “lead from behind” by showing others that accessing their own inner power is how magic and transformation occur.

I am The Thunder Bolt.

This is my message and marketing zone. I have the energy for Initiating awakening through the shock of unconditional love. I believe life is trustworthy because of its curveballs (rather than in spite of them) and I practice radical faith that every moment, even the most horrific ones, are gateways into Divine Love.

I am The Wandering Storyteller.

This is my "get to work" zone. I have the energy for telling stories from my many adventures. I find humor, amusement, and delight in all things, even in places others might consider to be dark or cold. I have an inner knowing when it is time to step outside of my comfort zone and when it’s time to tell a better story about life.

I am The Mastery Maven.

I have the energy for talent, skill, enthusiasm and the commitment to mastery. I believe that practice does not make perfect – it makes mastery, and the grit of mastery is infinitely more rewarding than perfection. With this attitude firmly in place, I make my mark in the world with the mastery of my craft.

I am The Forgiveness Decoder.

I have the energy for harnessing the healing power of forgiveness through objective logic. 

I have a deep inner knowing that forgiving isn’t the same as forgetting or permitting “bad” behavior. Forgiveness is letting go of the idea that the past should have unfolded differently, and releasing that pain from my body and mind.


I understand — logically — how humans work and how the patterns of the Universe flow. I see that in matters of the heart, forgiveness is often the only thing left to do.

I am The Wholeness Doctor.

I have the energy for seeing the wholeness in all things. I understand that the only thing that needs to be “fixed” are the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves and about others.

I easily see the stories of brokenness that are playing out in the collective and help others to transform those stories into wholeness.

I am The Embodied Magician.

I have the energy for flowing through life by using creativity to overcome limitations. I break the rules and love to create equitable systems and structures. I thrive when I have the proper boundaries in places for magic, creativity, and transformation to flourish.

I am The Faithful Devotee.

I have the energy for being faithful and devoted to the things that matter. To me, commitment, faith, and devotion are magical medicine when they come from my heart and from what truly lights me up. But poison when they come from obligation, fear, or as an attempt to prove my worthiness. In this knowing, I have the energy to be devoted from a place of love and being lit up.

I am The Receptive Feminine.

I have the energy for receiving the abundance of life. I know that life is a balance of feminine and masculine and that receiving the gifts of life, through operating in my own unique energy to receive the desires or my heart, is true abundance.

I am The Self Love North Star.

I have the energy for deep self-love. I understand and honor my needs, values, and desires and am a shining example of self-love.

I am The Sounding Board.

I have the energy for listening to others’ secrets while holding the frequency of forgiveness. I believe everyone needs someone who can listen with empathy, compassion, and grace. I feel deeply connected to others by listening to their stories, experiences, and challenges.

I am The Contemplative Witness.

I have the energy for making ample space for reflection. I believe that there is beauty in all things, including painful memories from the past. If we are only willing to see it, and will allow it, experiences and memories of the past can be alchemized into wisdom.

I am The Divine Creative.

I have the energy for Creativity. I lead by example and know that my greatest impact on the world happens when I stay true to my own, unique creative process.

I am The Powerful Opinion.

I have the energy for finding logical solutions, answers, and ideas. I am aware that everyone thrives when everyone thrives, and I tend to be fair, unbiased, and committed to finding win-wins with my solutions.

I am The Lucid Intuitive.

I have the energy for trusting my intuitive knowing above all else; I am highly intuitive, clairaudient, and receive personal revelation fluidly. I believe that everything I need to know is alive in the present moment and that my body is the most trustworthy receptor of intuition and soul nudges from God. The future is bright when I trust myself.

I am The Wisdom Well.

I have the energy for discovering the hidden layers and realms of what it means to be human. I understand that I don’t become wise through education. I become wise through embodiment. With this understanding, I am empowered to explore the depths of life with curiosity and humility.

I am The Fine Artist.

I have the energy for expressing emotions through art, especially the art of language, in a highly refined way. I want nothing more than to pour everything I have into my artful expressions and share it with the world. I have “good taste” and idealistic visions of beauty, art, and Grace.

I am The Sacred Salesman.

I have the energy for being a champion for dreams that come true. Because I trust in the abundance of life, I am empowered to sell a brighter future to my tribe with integrity.

I am the Highest and Holiest expression of me, while loving my body through the experience of becoming the embodiment of my beautiful expression.

I live my life with grace and ease because I stand lovingly in my power, open to the invitation, ready to see into the hearts of the people who invite me into their energy for my wise advice, powerful opinions, and seeing the beauty that is them.

I am paid well for my time, energy, expertise, and wisdom.

I set the example of being unapologetically my best self expression. My example gives others permission to also safely heal, forgive, and embody their highest self as well.

I am seen. I am appreciated. I am heard. I am recognized for my wisdom and all of the things that I have energy to bring to this world.

I am Bronwen Oehlschlager. I am a daughter of The Most High God. A Child God, growing up to be like Him.

"I love this! Will you help me make one of these too?!"

Yes! When you join Funnel Savvy that's one of the first things I guide you in doing.

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